Choosing A New Guide For The Season
Fall graduates summer's abundance in powerful transformation. As the season turns, it illuminates the wild harvest energy and begins the process of going within and slowing everything down. The leaves have realized their peak time of life and are now transforming their beauty of life affirming green to orange, red then brown, exploding the last days of their essence to now give life as compost to nourish the earth and the next generation of leaves. For humans, transformation takes place differently. Fall is a beautiful time to self affirm our lives in many ways, being mindful for one. You have more time for this as nights grow longer and life outside becomes more still. This is a potent time to call in a guide that will best direct new growth, healing, and inspiration. Whether Plant, Animal or other Spirit- build a relationship with your guide. This focus will help set a compass for your personal growth, your experiences and intentions. You may have a long-standing guide that you refer to often- yet sometimes there are times in our lives where it's helpful to bring in something that can assist specifically in that moment. When choosing a guide for this season, consider energetic qualities that set forth introspection, action and alignment to your truth and current desires. Rootfoot's Intentional Wear Animals or Plant Single Notes, can be used as a tool to connect more deeply with your chosen guide. For example the guide could be Bison or the plant, Palo Santo. A way to develop a deep relationship with your guide is by establishing a daily ritual. The ritual can consist of taking a few minutes to create a connection with your guide daily. Roll the oil on pulse points and palms of hands. Breathe in the aromatic fragrance and take note of its wisdom. Visualize your guide. Notice the subtle and powerful qualities of your guide. Make room in your consciousness by choosing to stay in the moment. Celebrate the miracle of the moment and acknowledge all your moments add up to a life lived in a creation of your choosing. Consciously set your intention for the day and remain connected with your guide as you wear the oil.